Contact us if you have any questions, need a service dog, or want to help in other ways!!


   Our Non Profit works with

   The Complete Canine

   for our service dog training.


 -> Remember ANY and ALL donations are greatly appreciated by our ranch and our clients!!! We also want you to know, that 100% of your donation goes towards the dog and training. The ranch does not receive any of your donated funds.

                                            THANK YOU!!!

​   Ironside Ranch Inc. C3 is a non profit foundation.

   Your DONATIONS and how they work!!!

     You donate any amount you would like, from $2.00 to $2000.00 or more, any and every amount helps!!

You then receive a donation receipt from Ironside Ranch Inc. 501c3 that you take to your tax advisor for your tax discount!!

    Your donation then goes into the Non Profit account,

regulated by the IRS, where it is applied towards

a service dog and training.

   -> YOU are DONATING to HELP a disabled person have FREEDOM from that disability that they DID NOT CHOOSE, what a beautiful thing to do!!

We have the utmost respect for our military families, your dedication to our freedom and the time you have put into serving our county! 

If you are disabled military contact us for more information on the help we can provide you!

  Our Non Profit helps permanently disabled clients with the opportunity to have a fully trained service dog assist them with their daily needs and tasks.

How our program works;

STEP 1) Clients contact our Non Profit with a need for a service dog. An interview is performed and help is based on clients needs.

STEP 2) We breed a specific dog for the specific needs of the client. 

STEP 3) Our service dog trainers assess the dog. If the dog is approved, they then start the detailed service dog training. Training varies greatly depending on the needs of the client. Tasks needed from the dogs, but not limited to are...

- Deep pressure therapy for Autism
- Interruption, create space, calm panic attacks for PTSD
- Pull a wheelchair, retrieve items, open doors, turn on lights and more for Physically disabled.

- Alert of oncoming seizures for for Epilepsy. 
- Call 911 in case of emergency, stop dangerous acts, shut doors and more for Dementia, or Alzheimers.
- Alert of dangerous levels of blood sugar for Diabetics.

- Sense oncoming cardiac output and act according to needs for POTS .

Final Step! ) Clients and their own personal, fully trained, service dog are united!! ​

     It is BEYOND words to see and watch a disabled persons life COMPLETELY TRANSFORM from despair to an opportunity to be FREE from their disabilities and have a personal companion by their side to care for them!!

Remember these people are living with a disability every day that they did not choose...


 Below, you can read testimonials from our clients on how our dogs and program helped changed their lives!!!   -->